Each node in a finite element model will have an equation for each degree of freedom. This ability to move is known as a degree of freedom. Each of these nodes has the ability to translate (and possibly rotate) from its original position. In a structural analysis conducted using FEA the equation will relate the load on the element at that particular node with the stiffness of the element and displacement at the node. The response at each node can be described with a mathematical equation. While the response of each element may be different, adjacent elements sharing nodes will have the same response at these locations. The response of an individual element due to an applied load is dependent on the magnitude and type of load, material properties assigned to the element, and the element’s size and shape. Adjacent elements are connected to each other at locations known as nodes and the assembly of elements is referred to as a mesh.
The representation of the object is referred to as a model, and the simple shapes making up the model are called elements.
A finite element analysis (FEA) is a type of analysis that uses a numerical technique known as the finite element method to determine the response of an object subjected to loading by representing it with an assembly of simple shapes.